Friday, January 26, 2007

Is Dr. Williams Being Even-Handed?

We recently discussed Bishop Paul Marshall's letter regarding Archbishop Rowan Williams, in which he addresses the issue of Dr. Williams' "shunning" North American bishops. Now it appears that the secretary-general of the Anglican Communion, Canon Kenneth Kearon, has stated that Bp. Marshall's letter is "very accurate."

We learned yesterday that Dr. Williams has decided to invite the Moderator of the Network to attend the Primates Meeting next month. Here's part of Mark Harris' response:

...What is the Archbishop thinking?

It doesn't matter who else he brings into the conversation. The fact is the Moderator is in the building. If the Primates were to decide to invite someone not the Primate of the Episcopal Church to sit with them as an American Anglican presence what would there be to prevent them? If they decide to disinvite the Presiding Bishop, what then?
The Church Times has given us an opportunity to vote on the following question:

Is Dr Williams being even-handed with the Episcopal Church in the United States?

Vote here.

A tip of the "fancy hat" to David for this one.


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