Monday, August 07, 2006

Minns: Episcopal Rector AND Nigerian Bishop?

From the Washington Times:

The rector of Truro Episcopal Church announced yesterday that he will be consecrated a bishop on Aug. 20 at the Anglican cathedral in Abuja, Nigeria, a move that could lead to further schism among U.S. Episcopalians...

...The parish is walking a tightrope. Virginia Bishop Peter J. Lee, who could not be reached for comment yesterday, has called Mr. Minns' election "an affront," adding that it would be "impossible" for Mr. Minns to act simultaneously as rector of Truro and as a bishop for the Nigerian church's Convocation of Anglican Churches in North America (CANA).

Yet, Mr. Minns intends to do precisely that until his successor at Truro is chosen next year.

Originally set up for expatriate Nigerians, CANA also will shelter displaced church conservatives in ongoing Episcopal battles over issues of Scripture and sexuality. In July, Nigerian bishops released a statement calling the U.S. Episcopal Church a "cancerous lump" that should be "excised" from the worldwide Anglican Communion...
If Minns chooses to place himself under the authority of Abp. Akinola, that is certainly his decision to make, unwise at it may seem. But, to also continue as the Rector of a parish in the diocese of Virginia is to invite chaos.

The statement that CANA was "originally set up for expatriate Nigerians" perpetuates the subterfuge initiated by Abp. Akinola. CANA is a weak attempt to justify what some consider criminal actions. It is part of the unfolding plans launched years ago by the AAC/Network.

One would hope that Bp. Lee of Virginia will not wait for 815 to act. Minns needs to receive a swift message that such maneuvers will not be tolerated.


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