Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
Well, I don't know about "love," but personally I have recently developed a certain amount of grudging respect for some of those in the Blogiverse with whom I strongly disagree.
But, what the heck, since it is the season of hope and all of that other good stuff, and Mark is rather optimistic about this venture, why not pretend like Dave's hope might just become a reality?
He has set up a Facebook group, which can be found here. Dave describes the group like this:
A group for people who blog about Anglican goings-on. Also the people who comment on the blogs about Anglican goings-on. Also Anglicans who blog, but not about Anglican goings-on. Also those who have no idea what is going on, but want to join in.Could be fun.
This is a group for those who blog from the right hand pews, those who blog from the left hand pews and those who find themselves blogging in the central aisle where they might be struck down by a hymnbook from either side or be run down by the procession. Everyone is welcome.
I hadn't planned this to be a place for in-depth debate, as there are lots of those out there anyway. But it might become a place to connect with the people behind the websites. Who knows, we might discover we're all human after all. And where the bloggers lead the bishops follow. Or something.
This may or may not be part of a secret plan to mend the rift in the Anglican Communion using methods as yet undecided.
Please respect other people in the wall posts and comments, or you will be guided back to your seat using a churchwarden's wand. Thank you.
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