Monday, April 14, 2008

Gregory Cameron on the "Instruments of Unity"

Susan Russell, who has just returned from the Anglican Covenant Conference, brings us the understanding of Gregory Cameron, Deputy Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, regarding the so-called "Instruments of Unity":

...Regarding the so called “Instruments of Unity,” Cameron reminded that “they cannot command or require; they can only advise and recommend” going on to say “they can only ever be a council of advice and unless we get that particular point exactly right we are in for all sorts of problems.”

Cameron offered a helpful reminder that the primates are, in fact, “no more and no less than the senior pastors of their own provincial jurisdictions” maintaining that “they cannot speak with any more authority than that”...
It's good to hear someone say that so clearly.

I don't know about you, but the more certain bodies (such as the Primates) desperately grasp for more power, the less I'm inclined to pay any attention to them.


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