Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bp. Robinson Barred From Celebrating or Preaching in England

From this afternoon's comments:

I had the privilege to hear Bishop Robinson speak tonight in St Mary's Putney (London). I had not heard him speak before and I am greatly saddened that people could threaten such a Christ-filled individual. He, together with the Inclusive Church folk and others present, truly refreshed my flagging desire to remain in the Anglican Church (+Rowan is my diocesan bishop). I am sorry to say that Bishop Robinson has been told today in an E Mail from Lambeth Palace, that he does not have the Archbishop's permission to celebrate or preach in England during the Lambeth period. Bishop Robinson was gracious, if disappointed, by this news. There was much support for him this evening and I know we are all looking forward to welcoming him back here in the summer as a brother and a bishop, regardless of the opprobrium some may wish to express against him and those who consecrated him...
It seems it is not enough for Canterbury to shun an Episcopal Bishop, duly elected and consecrated, from the Lambeth Conference. Now he is banned from all the altars and pulpits of England.

It is Dr. Williams' perogative, of course, to make such a harsh declaration. But it certainly is cause to, once again, question his judgment. On what grounds does he refuse to recognize Bp. Robinson's Holy Orders?

It seems to me this is yet another attempt to embrace "peace at any cost." If that was Dr. Williams' intention, I am afraid he has accomplished just the opposite in some quarters.

For those who may not be familiar with Bp. Robinson, he is much more than just an "issue" to be batted about in some kind of ecclesiastical game. Here is part of a recent Telegraph interview that will give you some glimpse of the man:

The artcile that accompanies this video can be found here.


UPDATE: A commenter at OCICBW has confirmed this report.

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