Friday, April 22, 2005

Earth Day, 2005

Willis Jenkins offers us this reflection; Ideology, Ecology and Bonhoeffer. Here's a brief excerpt;

...So let's learn about those religious values of the evangelical Right. If the environment comes into consideration only as a matter of personal stewardship, of individual responsibility, as one part of the “purpose-driven life” – okay, let's talk about it. What purposes drive our overconsumption, our disregard for threatened species? Are those the purposes of God? How does exurban sprawl relate to the land responsibilities of the covenant? What does stewardship mean in an era of global warming...

...So we can do two things. We can call the cultural Right to encounter anew the name of Jesus. Jim Wallis of Sojourners has been reminding the Christian Left for years that we cannot abandon preaching Jesus in irritation that his name has been claimed by the Right. Rather we must proclaim his words still more clearly, that once again the miracle of faith may unsettle political binds and speak peace to haunting fears. For inevitably, if we truly encounter the one through whom all things are created, the one in whom all things are already reconciled, our desperate patterns of life will change.

And secondly, we can work to put a cog in the wheel with all those who already glimpse the way of the reconciled world. We may discover, as Bonhoeffer did, that these people are often found outside the church, and so come to know anew where the broken body of Christ is being resurrected.
Speaking of Sojourners, they offer a great set of links in a feature entitled Create in Me a Green Heart. Here's a sampling;

Evangelical Environmental Network
Sustainable Table
The National Council of Churches' Eco-Justice Program
Grist Magazine

Finally, since Sojourners and Jim Wallis have been mentioned already, let me remind you of the ongoing discussion of his new book, God's Politics.

Christy comments on chapter one.
Bob and Betsy reflect on chapter two.
Bill and Jen offer some thoughts on chapter three.
Bill dips into chapter four.
Naomi offers some insights on chapter five.

The only commentary I would add about the book at this point is in regards to the few references I've seen suggesting that Wallis is biased towards the Democrats. I hope folks keep in mind how far to the right the center has moved. This present administration makes Reagan look like a moderate. Wallis consistently champions the poor and speaks out against war, while maintaining his evangelical roots. Since those are my primary faith issues, and I don't hear much from other Christian leaders on these two areas, I'll put my support behind Wallis, even if he voted for Ross Perot (or maybe the Bull Moose party?).

We give you thanks, most gracious God, for the beauty of earth and sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains and rivers; for the song of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise you for these gifts, and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation, to the honor and glory of your Name, now and forever. Amen.

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