Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hurricane Rita: Much Loss, Much Grace

From Bishop D. Bruce MacPherson of the Diocese of Western Louisiana;

...What are the effects upon our diocese and this part of the state of Louisiana? Much destruction; the town of Cameron, Louisiana, just south of Lake Charles is gone. The reports of this day state that 'not a single house is left.' Across in the east side of the diocese in Vermillion Parish, and on the south side of Abbeville, the area south of Highway 90 is underwater to the rooftops, and as of this afternoon more than 1,000 people have been rescued from their water-engulfed settings. There is much loss from one side of the diocese to the other, and moving north, many crops that were swept away.

Looking at our diocese, I must state that I am once again so grateful for witness of Christian care and concern, and for the outpouring of support across the diocese as people from within the Diocese of Western Louisiana came north seeking a place to stay, and in their midst, Katrina evacuees that had begun to go home, found themselves returning to the many places of shelter being provided to those who came from the Dioceses of Louisiana and Mississippi...

...The most common thing one will hear at the moment, as people look at what has transpired, is the phrase 'It is unbelievable.' But then, this was the reaction of many to the empty tomb of Easter, and out of this came the resurrection promise, the gift of life. I pray this night that those affected so personally by all that has taken place will experience the presence of the risen Christ and God's healing grace.
The Episcopal Church's Hurricane Emergency Links Portal can be found here.


Leader: We place before you, our God, our needs and concerns as well as those of our brothers and sisters everywhere:

All respond: Merciful Lord, hear our prayer

For all the victims of natural disasters, especially those who have died as a result of recent hurricanes (Name)
R: Merciful Lord, hear our prayer

For all those hurricane victims who are displaced, homeless, hungry, sick and anxious about loved ones
R: Merciful Lord, hear our prayer

For disaster relief workers, medical personnel, and police and security officers
R: Merciful Lord, hear our prayer

For those of us who want to help in some way, that we may be generous in giving of ourselves and resources

R: Merciful Lord, hear our prayer

Leader: Gathering our petitions together, we join them in the prayer that Jesus taught us:


Leader: God our Father, through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, inspire in us the compassion, peace, and generosity to look beyond our own needs to those of our brothers and sisters who suffer in the aftermath of natural disasters such as hurricanes (Katrina and Rita). May we serve your Son, Jesus Christ, in joy, as we reach out to all those in need. Grant this through Christ our Lord.
R: Amen

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